How do I determine what well water treatment system I need?

Well water treatment system sizing starts with some basic information from around the home. And we are trained here to start at the well and move FORWARD. Instead of starting at some random type of water filters or water softeners. And then move BACKWARDS to the well. And then the quality of the well water water. So the information that we need to gather takes only a few minutes around the house. And it is simple and easy to do. You will find all of the information you need below on this page. And if you follow this advice. You will feel like a genius with the result.

Florida's best water filters, well water treatment system sizing. Water softeners, well water filers for iron, sulfur and manganese

What if I don’t have private well water?

Does your water come from a Municipal or Public water supply? Do you have town or city water? In that case it is always best to give us a quick call to determine what you need.

How do I determine what water filter or what water softener I need for my well?

Simply follow the easy instructions below for gathering a bit of information from around the house. And then we can tell you exactly what you need. And what it should cost. All in a matter of moments. And if someone tries to sell you something without this information. Then you will know they do not have your best interests in mind. Or they simply don’t know what they are doing. No matter what their sales pitch is. You should virtually NEVER need a commissioned sales person come into your private home. Because there is simply no need. And it is a very expensive mistake.

Well Water Treatment System Sizing

Well Water Treatment System Sizing. These are THREE things to do ANYTIME you are considering filtering or softening ANY well water. Don’t trust anyone who does not ask for this information BEFORE giving you a recommendation. DO NOT have people that sell water filters and softeners come INTO your home to do testing. They can, and often do, alter the tests for sales purposes. You can always send us a sample or bring one by to our nearest location. Our water test’s are free. We do not have salespeople in our testing facilities.

The first thing you need to do is test the water. You can run a quick sample down to the local pool supply store. They usually test it for free. Just tell them the sample is from your private well, and you are wondering what it is like in case you ever want to buy a swimming pool. Don’t confuse them by telling them your water woes, or you likely will leave empty handed.

You also want to see if there are things growing in the back of the toilet tanks (Where the toilet stores the water for flushing). Not sure what to look for, just give us a quick call. If you have an irrigation system you are trying to filter, this step is not possible. If you think you might have iron bacteria, we can always test for that in our lab.

Well Water Treatment System Sizing Flow Rate

You absolutely MUST do a flow rate check. The number the well guy gave you is not the number we need. The amount of water your pump is rated for is also NOT the number we normally need.

To determine your flow rate please follow these two simple steps:
  1. Open the NEAREST faucet or tap AFTER your well water pressure tank. Do not use the faucet that is ON the pressure tank. Turn the water on until the well pump turns on. Once the pump kicks on, turn off the tap (faucet) and count how many seconds the pump runs, from the time it came on until it turns off, then write down the number of seconds the pump ran for.
  2.  Next use an empty gallon container. Open the faucet and fill the container; close the faucet and empty the container. That would be counted as 1. Continue filling and emptying each gallon until the pump starts again. Note down the number of gallons you counted until the pump started. Count any partial gallons that might have been left over. Call us and tell us the two numbers you came up with, and we will know what size filters you need.

PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT use a water hose when Well Water Treatment System flow rates! Have someone listen for the pump to turn on while you are getting water, if you can’t hear the pump turn on where you are. If you have any issues at all, give us a call. If you have a CONSTANT pressure pump, or a variable speed pump, this flow rate check does not apply. Just call and speak with one of our water experts for additional instructions please.

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Well water treatment system sizing.